spending freeze.

Okay, so I just ran out of hangers… for about the third time since I’ve moved to Chicago.  My walk in closet is nearly full (and I live alone!) and I’ve reached the point where I’m beginning to buy duplicate shades of beauty products I already own.  It’s time to do something – to take a break from the constant shopping and save a bit instead of buying and buying and buying.

So, I’ll be going on a three month long spending freeze.  Yes, three months – from March 1 until June 1, there will be no:
–  New clothing, shoes or accessories (I really do have plenty at the moment)
–  Unnecessary beauty products (if I run out of something, I can replace it)
–  Random impulse purchases (from a candy bar at the cash register to home accessories)

Things that are allowed:
–  ONE trip to Starbucks each week
–  Anything related to my half marathon training (I’m in desperate need of workout clothes)
–  The purchase of gifts for other people (excluding Callie, she doesn’t need anything else either)

When the urge to shop strikes, I’ll add that item (and its price) to a list – when June comes along, I’ll review the list to determine if the purchase should be made.  I’ll 100% admit that I’m an impulse and emotional shopper, so having some patience and restraint should be extremely helpful with reducing my spending.

Have you ever gone on a spending freeze?  What are other ways you help yourself stay on a budget?  I’d love to hear any tips or tricks that you’ve had success with.